
Robert Zubrin Touring Australia

Robert Zubrin, President of the US Mars Society will be visiting Australia between 21st and 29th March. (Full details are included in this media release.)  He will appear at the following public speaking events:-


Monday 23rd March, 6:30pm - Weston Theatre, JG Crawford Building, ANU - booking essential


Tuesday 24th March, 7pm - Lecture Theatre S112, University of Adelaide


Wednesday 25th March, 1pm - 103 Lowe Theatre, Redmond Barry Building, University of Melbourne

Friday 27th March, 6:30pm - RMIT City Campus - booking essential



Robert Zubrin, formerly a Staff Engineer at Lockheed Martin Astronautics in Denver is now president of his own company, Pioneer Astronautics.  He holds Masters degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics and a...

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Australian Robots Aid the Search for Life on Mars - via New Zealand

Mars Society Australia (MSA) announces its participation in Spaceward Bound New Zealand (SBNZ), a project of the New Zealand Astrobiology Initiative (NZAI)  in conjunction with University of Auckland, AUT and the Astrobiology Group of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand, Mars Society New Zealand and the KiwiSpace Foundation. Spaceward Bound is a NASA initiated program that enagaged students and teachers in the great adventure of exploration seeking answers to some of the most fundamental questions: “What is life?’, ‘How does life begin and evolve?’ ‘Does life exist elsewhere in the Universe?’ and ‘What is the future of life on Earth and beyond?’. This is done through a series of international expeditions to exotic locations in the US, Canada, Chile, Namibia, Australia and now New Zealand. Participation in Spaceward Bound is international.

The SBNZ expedition will explore unique geological features and extreme life forms of the North Island of New Zealand with a...

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Free public lecture: Was Mars ever alive?

Assoc. Prof. Victor Gostin, M.Sc. (Melb), PhD (ANU)

Sunday 14th September 2014 at 6.00 pm

Nova Systems, 27-31 London Road, Mile End South  SA  5031

Abstract: Exciting discoveries are continually being made on our sister planet, Mars. NASA's rovers plus orbiting satellites have revealed many, often unexpected features. Bright ice exists only 50cm below the surface.  Martian river networks formed under semiarid climates, when floods alternated with long dry spells. Liquid surface water lasted at least 10,000 years. Strange vertical shafts cutting through lava flows may be windows into lava tunnels. Could these contain life? The newly arrived Curiosity is already increasing our understanding of Martian long history.

Bio: Victor Gostin is a retired Associate Professor and an Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in Geology and Geophysics at the University of Adelaide, Australia. A graduate of Melbourne University with a PhD from...

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Upcoming Talk - Why go to Mars?

Those in the Sydney area might be interested in attending the session of THAT'LL LEARN YOU: Academia, Science, and Comedy in the Giant Dwarf theatre, Monday, 8 September 2014 from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM (AEST) at 199 Cleveland Street, Redfern, NSW.  MSA President Dr Jonathan Clarke will be talking on the subject “Why go to Mars?”  in the theme “Mars vs Maths”. He will also be sharing the session with Simon Pampena (“Catalyst”), Jazz Twemlow and Alex Lee (both The Roast”).  Simon is known as a maths comedian, Jazz from The Guadian Oz and Alex from ABC News 24.

Tickets can be purchased from

All are welcome to attend!






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Mars Robot Challenge Expedition Now Underway

The Mars Robot Challenge Expedition is now underway, with the expedition entourage arriving at Arkaroola resort on Saturday, 5th July.  Follow its progress on the Expedition Homepage and by reading the Expedition Diary.  The Arkaroola Mars Robot Challenge Expedition is the latest of a series of expeditions run by Mars Society Australia (MSA) since its inception in 2001. Expeditioners will test a range of field robotics at Arkaroola with the goal of developing concepts for planetary operations, especially Mars.  Participants include Murdoch University (WA), University of New South Wales, Mars Society India, and MSA.  The Mars Society Australia would particularly like to welcome the expeditioners from Manipal University in India. The Arkaroola region was selected for the expedition as it has many features of astrobiological and geological interest to planetary scientists.  The expedition will run for 2 weeks, ending in Adelaide on Sunday, 20th July.

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14th Australian Space Research Conference

The 14th Australian Space Research Conference (ASRC, formerly the Australian Space conference or ASSC), will be held in Adelaide at the University of South Australia at the City-West campus. This will be the eighth ASRC jointly sponsored and organised by the National Committee for Space and Radio Science (NCSRS) and the National Space Society of Australia (NSSA), with the support of the Australian Space Research Institute (ASRI) and the Mars Society of Australia AMEC.

It is the first conference called ASRC, reflecting a change in emphasis to Space Research as a whole rather than Space Science in particular.

The ASRC is intended to be the primary annual meeting for Australian research relating to space research, operations, and policy...

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Adelaide Public Lecture - Overview of ISDC 2014

The Mars Society of Australia SA branch would like to invite you to this upcoming event - 'Overview of the International Space Development Conference 2014 – A Space Renaissance' by Mr Peter Nikoloff.  ISDC 2014 is one of the major conferences the National Space Society run each year and draws a large number of high profile and respected presenters from both NASA, Industry and Associations. I recently attended the conference that was held in Los Angeles which covered a wide range of topics over five days. An overview of the conference will be provided with a focus on Mars related topics. The presentation will be held on Sunday 1st June 2014 at 6 pm at Nova Systems, 27-31 London Road, Mile End South, SA  5031.

Speaker Bio: Pete Nikoloff is an Executive Director, co-founder of Nova and Senior Weapons System Engineer. He obtained an Aeronautical Engineer degree from RMIT in 1986 and has over 25 years experience supporting and...

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Arkaroola Mars Robot Challenge Spaceward Bound Expedition

The Arkaroola Mars Robot Challenge Expedition is the latest of a series of expeditions run by Mars Society Australia (MSA) since its inception in 2001. Destinations of previous expeditions have included the Pilbara, Woomera, and the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah, as well as Arkaroola

The aims of the Arkaroola Mars Robot Challenge are:

1.    Test a range of field robotics at Arkaroola with the goal of developing concepts for planetary operations, especially Mars.  Participants include Murdoch University (WA), confirmed), University of New South Wales, Mars Society India, and MSA.

2.    Test control of remote robotic and human field operations at Arkaroola from centralised mission control run by Saber Astronautics from a control room in Sydney

3.    Explore astrobiological features of the Arkaroola region.  These include Proterozoic stromatolites, organicirich, and fossiliferous vein systems, a fossil subglacial radioactive hydrothermal systems, and...

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Free Public Lecture in Adelaide this Sunday


The Mars Society Australia's South Australian branch is pleased to present a free public lecture by Dr RIcky Lee, Special Counsel, Scweizer Kobras (Sydney). 


WHEN:  Sunday 4th May 2014 at 6 pm



The history of space exploration and commercialisation has so often repeated the process of developing strategies and plans that do not address legal issues and then finding that such legal issues may become disabling obstacles. With the development of strategies to establish colonies on the Moon and Mars, legal issues must be addressed from the beginning. This is particularly the case because one of the foundations of modern society is the rule of law and this must remain the same for our extraterrestrial colonies.This paper seeks to consider the activities needed for various stages of colonisation and review the...

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Adelaide Guest Lecture: Was Mars Ever Alive?

Exciting discoveries are continually being made on our sister planet, Mars. NASA's rovers plus orbiting satellites have revealed many, often unexpected features.  Bright ice exists only 50cm below the surface.  Martian river networks formed under semiarid climates, when floods alternated with long dry spells. Liquid surface water lasted at least 10,000 years. Strange vertical shafts cutting through lava flows may be windows into lava tunnels. Could these contain life? The newly arrived Curiosity is already increasing our understanding of Martian long history.

(Guest Lecture followed by monthly Adelaide branch meeting).

Assoc. Prof. Victor Gostin, M.Sc. (Melb), PhD (ANU)

Victor Gostin is a retired Associate Professor and an Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in Geology and Geophysics at the University of Adelaide, Australia. A graduate of Melbourne University with a PhD from the ANU, Canberra, Victor lectured in earth sciences at Adelaide University from 1970 to...

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