Upcoming Talk - Why go to Mars?

Those in the Sydney area might be interested in attending the session of THAT'LL LEARN YOU: Academia, Science, and Comedy in the Giant Dwarf theatre, Monday, 8 September 2014 from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM (AEST) at 199 Cleveland Street, Redfern, NSW.  MSA President Dr Jonathan Clarke will be talking on the subject “Why go to Mars?”  in the theme “Mars vs Maths”. He will also be sharing the session with Simon Pampena (“Catalyst”), Jazz Twemlow and Alex Lee (both The Roast”).  Simon is known as a maths comedian, Jazz from The Guadian Oz and Alex from ABC News 24.

Tickets can be purchased from https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/thatll-learn-you-academia-science-comedy-tickets-12660896081?ref=ebapi

All are welcome to attend!





