Free Public Lecture in Adelaide this Sunday


The Mars Society Australia's South Australian branch is pleased to present a free public lecture by Dr RIcky Lee, Special Counsel, Scweizer Kobras (Sydney). 


WHEN:  Sunday 4th May 2014 at 6 pm



The history of space exploration and commercialisation has so often repeated the process of developing strategies and plans that do not address legal issues and then finding that such legal issues may become disabling obstacles. With the development of strategies to establish colonies on the Moon and Mars, legal issues must be addressed from the beginning. This is particularly the case because one of the foundations of modern society is the rule of law and this must remain the same for our extraterrestrial colonies.This paper seeks to consider the activities needed for various stages of colonisation and review the existing status of the law that may enable or disable the activity and, where the law does not exist, what laws should be created that would enable the activity in a manner consistent with other existing principles of law. These activities include:

1) exploration for suitable settlement sites;

2) human settlement;

3) resource exploitation for colonisation purposes;

4) governance in the colony;

5) rule of law and justice in the colony; and

6) diplomatic relationships with countries on Earth.



Ricky has worked in commercial practice since 1998 and specialises in the practice of commercial law, international law, commercial litigation, and air and space law, having acted for a number of firms in various aerospace sectors. He is also a former lecturer in international law and commercial law for 9 years, including at the Flinders University of South Australia and the University of Western Sydney. He has published 2 books, over 50 journal articles, and presented over 60 papers at various international conferences, including the United Nations Workshops on Space Law, the International Astronautical Congresses, and specialist conferences of the International Civil Aviation Organisation and the International Telecommunication Union.


VENUE:  Nova Systems, 27-31 London Road, Mile End South, South Australia,  5031


BOOKING:   To book or for further information contact Marcia on 0417 800 956 or   Feel free to join us after the presentation.  We will have a brief meeting, and meal at Villis. Meals can be purchased at affordable prices. 

South Australia