
Historical Note

The Melbourne public has had a long-standing interest in Mars exploration. The following two headlines are both from a local newspaper The Age. The first appeared on 11 May 1907, while the second dates from 8 August, 1996. Is there life on Mars? The debate continues.

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Space Frontier News Available

Members of the Mars Society Australia can now also subscribe to Space Frontier News. This is an excellent bimonthly 12 page journal updating the latest space related events in Australia and includes a regular Mars Society column. Annual subscription costs $17.
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Australian Researcher Discovers Nanobes

In a discovery with implications for the search for life elsewhere in the solar system, Brisbane based researcher Dr Philippa Irwin has discovered what are believed to be life forms at an unprecedently small scale. Called nanobes, they were found in rock samples drilled from 5km below the seabed off the Western Australia.

As small as 20 nanometres, they are similar in size to the so-called fossils found in the Martian meteorite ALH84001. In 1996 NASA scientists controversially announced they thought they had found tiny fossil structures in this meteorite. The size of some of the structures was smaller than the known minimum scale of life on earth.
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First AGM Held in Sydney

The first Annual General Meeting of the Australian Mars Society was held in Sydney on Monday 8th March. The minutes can be read online.

The main outcomes of the meeting were that the rules for the society were formally adopted and that office bearers were elected. These developments will help the society deal with organisational matters and focus more on organising activities. Possible projects for the society is one of the issues being discussed on the Australian Chapter's new Message Board.
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