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MSA Invites Teachers to Attend Spaceward Bound Australia’s 2011 Pilbara Expedition
AMEC2011 Registrations and Call for Papers is Now Open
Find out more at the AMEC2011 homepage.
Mars or Bust ... Well Mojave for Starters!
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Mars Discussions at the WA Science & Engineering Summer School
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MSA Invites Teachers to Attend Spaceward Bound Australia’s 2011 Pilbara Expedition
The Mars Society Australia offers Science teachers and graduate students an opportunity to join with NASA and MSA scientists on a field expedition to the Pilbara. Running between the 8th and 24th of July 2011, (during school holidays) it will involve participants examining fossil sites recording the early emergence of life of Earth, and also areas of tourist interest for the “Dawn Of Life Trail” near Marble Bar. Participants will also take part in the 11th Australian Mars Exploration Conference (AMEC2011) at the University of Western Australia at the end of the expedition. The cost per person will be between $1800 and $2200, includes camping equipment, fully catered expedition and transport from the start to the end of the expedition. These costs also include the registration fee for AMEC2011. Full details of these items will be available by end of May. These activities may be used for professional learning renewal for their college or teacher registration with listing the 40 hours...
Australian Teacher Opportunity for Spaceward Bound Mojave 2011
If you are a Secondary School Teacher with an interest in earth, planetary and space science, then the Spaceward Bound Mojave 2011 expedition might be just the professional learning for you. NASA Spaceward Bound have once again extended this fantastic opportunity to Australian teachers and one lucky person in 2011 will gain an experience of a lifetime working with scientists, engineers and educators in the Mojave Desert.
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APRSAF to be Held in Melbourne
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Science & Science Fiction Trivia Night in Canberra
National Space Camp Woomera
If you are a space science focused Year 11 student, there is an opportunity to apply for a position on the upcoming National Space Camp Woomera. This is an annual 5-day residential conference for students from all around Australia and is organized by the Centre for Australian Space Education (CASE) with sponsorship from the Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund and this year occurs from Thursday 30th of September to Monday 4th of October. The programme includes lectures, tours, workshops and excursions to museums, universities, observatories and viewing a sounding rocket launch by the Australian Space Research Institute at Woomera. This event is open to 40 Year 11 students nationally and positions are highly sought after.
For additional details check their website at; To apply, download an application form and submit the...
AMEC2010 Program Available - Register Now!
Help us celebrate our 10th AMEC by registering now!