Mars Robot Challenge Expedition Now Underway

The Mars Robot Challenge Expedition is now underway, with the expedition entourage arriving at Arkaroola resort on Saturday, 5th July.  Follow its progress on the Expedition Homepage and by reading the Expedition Diary.  The Arkaroola Mars Robot Challenge Expedition is the latest of a series of expeditions run by Mars Society Australia (MSA) since its inception in 2001. Expeditioners will test a range of field robotics at Arkaroola with the goal of developing concepts for planetary operations, especially Mars.  Participants include Murdoch University (WA), University of New South Wales, Mars Society India, and MSA.  The Mars Society Australia would particularly like to welcome the expeditioners from Manipal University in India. The Arkaroola region was selected for the expedition as it has many features of astrobiological and geological interest to planetary scientists.  The expedition will run for 2 weeks, ending in Adelaide on Sunday, 20th July.
