
Call for Abstracts - 18th Australian Space Research Conference

Call for Abstracts

18th Australian Space Research Conference

24th to 26th September, 2018

It is our pleasure to invite you to submit an abstract for the 18th Australian Space Research Conference (ASRC), to be held at the Gold Coast in Queensland at the Mantra on View hotel. This will be the Twelfth ASRC jointly sponsored and organised by the National Committee for Space and Radio Science (NCSRS) and the National Space Society of Australia (NSSA), with the support of the Mars Society of Australia (MSA). 

The ASRC is intended to be the primary annual meeting for Australian researchers relating to space science and technology. It welcomes space scientists, engineers, educators, and workers in Industry and Government.

The scope of the conference covers both fundamental and applied research that applies to space science,...

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Call for Volunteers for Sirius Mission

The Institute for Biomedical Problems (IBMP), jointly with Human Research Program NASA (HRP NASA), will be conducting an extended duration lunar mission simulation at its facility in Moscow in 2019 and 2020. The mission, known as Sirius, will involve a crew of six, including three Russians and three non-Russians. IBMP has  asked the Mars Society to recruit the three non-Russian crew members.

The mission duration will be four months during 2019 and eight months in 2020. Crew members will need to be available for both. IBMP will provide lodging and meals for the volunteer subjects during quarantine before the mission and during the simulation itself. There will be no salary or expenses paid by IBMP, so volunteers will either need to be self-funded or backed by resources from their own institutions or universities.


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MSA 2018 AGM and President’s Report

Dear Marstralians,

MSA has had a very busy 12 months working towards expanding human presence on Mars and ensuring Australia’s role in this great challenge. There have been several highlights I would like to share with you.

The Marsobot program stepping up to balloon testing of instruments and control systems on balloon flights to the stratosphere was a major achievement. At 30 km conditions are similar to or more extreme on Mars – lower air pressures and densities, similar temperatures, high cosmic radiation and UV levels. This allows us to qualify the hardware to TRL6, an important step to developing actual flight hardware. The first flight was with the HORUS 47 launch, you can read about it here So far flown are an Arduino microprocessor, temperature sensor, and custom spectrometer. A payload with a Rasperry Pi and multispectral camera and spectrometer is waiting...

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Vale David Willson (MSA Vice-President)

MSA is very sad to announce that MSA Vice-President David Willson passed away yesterday evening in the presence of family and friends after struggling with cancer for a bit over a year. This is a great loss to us all and those who know him mourn the passing of a dear friend and great colleague.

David joined MSA in 2003 after encountering our web page. At that time he was a senior project engineer with the Hobart-based consultancy firm SEMF and had considerable experience in design and management of multi-million dollar construction, including ship loaders, mine metallurgical plants, and power. In his spare time he built liquid fuelled rocket engines, helped his parents in their tin mine in south west Tasmania, and flew light aircraft. David brought all these skills to MSA and led to him become project manager for the Mars...

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MSA flies to the edge of space

One of Mars Society Australia’s goals is “Conducting Mars exploration on a private basis”  This requires developing and testing technology at each step up the so-called “technology readiness level” from TRL 1 (initial concept) to TRL 9 (ready to fly)  MSA’s Marsobot program aims to develop the concepts and technologies for small robotic vehicles on planetary missions to Mars and elsewhere  A number of prototypes have been developed and tested under different field conditions, raising the project to TRL 5.

MSA has now commenced the next phase of development, raising the TRL of hardware to TRL 6, which involves testing in a realistic analogue environment.  On February 5th the Horus 47 balloon, part of the SA-based Amateur Radio...

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Mars Society Australia Annual General Meeting

MSA is holding its Annual General Meeting. Part of this process is to call for nominations for director’s positions. Up to 10 director’s positions will be available.

Any current MSA members are eligible to nominate. Directors are expected to contribute to the operational running of the organisation, including undertaking office bearers roles if required.  Nominees should email a maximum one page statement outlying relevant experience and intended contributions to the board. Statements should be submitted by night Australian Eastern standard Time 1st of April 2018. Please send statements to guymurphy(at) Statements will be posted online after the close of nominations.

Voting by MSA members will be by email if more nominations are received than there are positions available. Further details will be announced once nominations close.

Office bearers will be appointed at the first meeting of the new board which will occur before the end of May, 2018. Positions...

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Spaceward Bound Australia 2011: Expedition to the Pilbara Western Australia: The Dawn of Life

Spaceward Bound Australia (SBA) in collaboration with ‘NASA Spaceward Bound’ in July 2011 undertook a ‘Planetary and space science’ expedition, SBA 2011, to the Pilbara visiting locations at The “Dawn of Life” Nullagine, and Shark Bay. The theme of the expedition was to compare the recently discovered large conical stromatolites in Lake Untersee, Antarctica with the conical stromatolites in Shark Bay and the 3.45 billion year fossils in the Pilbara. The primary focus was on the 3.45 byr old fossils.

‘Spaceward Bound Australia’ is organized by the Mars Society Australia (MSA) with aims that are in alignment with NASA Spaceward Bound. NASA Spaceward Bound is an educational program organized at NASA Ames Research Centre in partnership with the Mars Society (US).

The focus of Spaceward Bound is to inspire and train the next generation of space explorers by ...

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Spaceward Bound Australia 2009: Expedition to Arkaroola and Sturts Stony Desert North of the Flinders Rangers.

The Mars Society Australia‟s Spaceward Bound Australia (SBA) in collaboration with "NASA Spaceward Bound‟ in July 2009 undertook a  Planetary and space science expedition, to Arkaroola, Marree and Reedy Springs in the South Australian desert. The theme of the expedition was The evolution of life in our solar system. Twenty seven planetary scientists, geologists, teachers and engineers from the US and Australia participated in the expedition.

The SBA 2009 expedition aim was in two parts:

  • The first, was to undertake field science supporting research into the evolution of life in our solar system; and,
  • The second, was to invite teachers and students from the US and Australia to participate and work undertaking practical field science with the scientists closely involved in recent space exploration missions to the Moon Mars and Titan.

Science work included:

  • Trialling Infrared Sensors;
  • Advancing Teacher "Hands On‟...
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Spaceward Bound New Zealand 2015

In January 2015, the New Zealand Astrobiology Initiative (NZAI) organised an engaging, 6-day expedition for Kiwi educators and researchers, introducing them to the wonders of the Taupo Volcanic Zone in the central North Island. Partnering with NASA and incorporating speakers from all around the globe, Spaceward Bound New Zealand 2015 exposed its 50 participants to astrobiology research through a series of hands-on field trips and promoted New Zealand as a world-class site for astrobiology research.

Spaceward Bound is an inquiry-based astrobiology and educational Moon-Mars analogue science expedition organised in New Zealand by NZAI and partners. Spaceward Bound originated at NASA Ames Research Center in 2006. The primary mission of Spaceward Bound is to train the next generation of spaceexplorers by teaming teachers...

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The search for life on Mars: An early Earth perspective


The search for life on Mars: An early Earth perspective

Professor Martin Van Kranendonk

November 13th, 6:45 pm for 7:00 pm start (8:30 pm finish)

Messel Theatre , Sydney Nanoscience Hub (SNH)

Physics Road, The University of Sydney




This event is part of the 17th

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