
Get a free Polo Shirt at AMEC 2005

If you register for AMEC before the 30th of June, you will receive on arrival a FREE special Mars Society Australia polo shirt celebrating the conference. This is our 5th AMEC and this will be a special issue only available to attendees. For those that don't make the deadline, you can purchase a polo shirt at the venue for AU$ 35.00.
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Starchaser To Unveil UK's Most Powerful Rocket Engine

Starchaser: commercial access to space

MSA sponsor, Starchaser Industries will unveil their new Churchill Mk3 liquid rocket engine at 10am on Wednesday 11th May at the University of Salford. Starchaser Industries are the primary sponsor for the Marsupial Manned Mars Analog Rover Project being built in Perth, Western Australia. This is the most powerful rocket engine built in Britain since the country ceased its space program some 30 years ago.

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MSA/MSC Expedition Two Report goes to Canadian Space Agency

The Canadian Space Agency was one of the sponsors for Expedition Two, last August. A report on the 4 week exercise has been sent to the CSA. This report represents the efforts of Jon Clarke and Rocky Persuad, MSCanada and the AMEC 2004 crew, who successfully put together a large group of scientists and engineers working on putting a permanent human presence on Mars. This document may be modified from time to time.
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Leonardo & Lisa Expeditions Underway

Two complementary Mars simulation projects have commenced at the Mar Desert Research Station (MDRS) in Utah to investigate the role of gender in an international Mars mission crew. Organised by alumni of the International Space University, the Leonardo project will be carried out by an international male team from April 15 to May 1, while the Mona Lisa project all-female crew will be in the MDRS from May 1 to 15 2005. Both crews will perform similar tasks in comparable conditions and their results will be put side by side. The expeditions follow on from research done on Expedition 1 and Expedition 2 relating to MSA's ...
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MSA Board Welcomes New President and Vice-President

The board of the Mars Society Australia would like to welcome its new incoming President David Cooper. Based in Western Australia, David has served as MSA Vice-President since its incorporation in 2001, and is also the coordinator of the MS WA branch. Canberra based geologist and director Dr Jonathan Clarke has been elected the new Vice-President. Former President Guy Murphy has retired from the role after nearly 5 years as he will be spending time travelling and working overseas during 2005. He intends to remain involved in MSA actvities, and wishes to thank everyone for supporting MSA in its endeavours over the years.
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AMEC2005 Call for Papers Now Open

AMEC V, the fifth Australian Mars Exploration Conference, will be held in Canberra on August 19-21, 2005. The conference will be in the Manning Clark Theatre complex and hosted by the Australian National Universitys School of Psychology. The theme, 'Roving the Red Planet' reflects the prime importance of mobility in the exploration of Mars, both now and in the future and MSAs 'Year of the Rover' focus. You are invited to prepare talks for the conference. Overall there will be six themes, you are asked to consider submitting within one of these:

Theme 1 - Technology
Theme 2 - Planetary science and astrobiology
Theme 3 - The human factor
Theme 4 - Analogue studies
Theme 5 - Education and outreach
Theme 6 - Policy and planning

Expressions of interest should be sent to

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New MarsOz Base Design Report Now Available

Authored by David Willson and Jonathan Clarke, this newly released report consists of a feasibility study examining how modules the size and shape used in the MARS-OZ proposal are compatible with the technical requirements of an actual Mars mission. This report is in press with the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society. Copies of the manuscript can be obtained from .
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Floor Frame Complete

The floor frame and two of the vertical bulkhead frames are now complete, but the floor sandwich and radiator frame has yet to be completed.

Welding on the floor frame is completed.
The mid-cabin and rear mid-cabin bulkhead frames mounted on the floor frame give the rover a third dimension.
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Expedition 2 Summary Report Now Available

A report authored by Jonathan Clarke, Rocky Persaud and Shannon Rupert-Robles summarising the results of Expedition 2 is now available online here (pdf format). You can read more about the expedition at the Expedition 2 Homepage
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Construction Continues

Construction is proceeding smoothly, with a number of basic components being fitted, including the new forward and rear propeller shafts, the primary fuel tank and shock absorbers. With the steel framework of the floor (almost) complete, we are ready to begin assembling the floor 'sandwich', which consists of an aluminum sheet panel (underside), thermal insulation layer (glass fibre bats and hardwood standoffs) and a plastic and aluminum upper layer. Vertical bulkhead frames can be fabricated as soon as a new order of RHS steel arrives. More component shopping is required, including better seats, an extra fuel tank, and plumbing for the coolant system.

Underside of vehicle showing propshaft (black), primary fuel tank (silver) and and rear shocks (yellow).
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