
Dr Charles Lineweaver Presents "The Origin of the Universe and Life"

In this talk held in Brisbane on Monday 19th March, astrobiologist and cosmologist Charles Lineweaver reviewed what we think we know about the origin of the universe and the origin of life. Where and when did the first stars and terrestrial planets form? Where is there liquid water in the universe? How old is life on Earth? Is life common in the universe? Dr Lineweaver gives pretty good answers to most of these questions and educated speculations about the origin of life on Earth, in our Galaxy and in the Universe.

Read more on the BrisScience website.
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AMEC 2007 Call for Papers

The seventh annual Australian Mars Exploration Conference (AMEC 2007), will be held in Perth over the weekend of the 13th to 15th of July at Trinity College, East Perth. Presentations over this two-day event will cover a range of issues concerned with forging, nurturing and developing the pioneering culture and methods required to explore Mars. MSA invites anyone interested in presenting at the conference to submit a paper to the review committee here. All papers submitted will be peer-reviewed in accordance with DEST guidelines for conference publications.

Find out more including how to register at the AMEC2007 homepage. Register now for this exciting event!
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Aussie Students Help Select Landing Sites for Mars Science Lab

At this year’s AMEC (Australian Mars Exploration Conference) Marion Anderson (Monash University) presented a talk on how she and her students are involved in selecting possible landing sites for MSL (Mars Science Laboratory). This research is being carried out in collaboration with NASA. Marion and her students identified the top twelve possible sites for landing. The sites must conform to a number of criteria, such as having a flat circular area with a diameter of at least 10 km for MSL to land on. Ideally the site would be located between 60 degrees N and 60 degrees S.

Read more here.
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AMEC 2006 Report

AMEC 2006 was held over the weekend of October 13th–15th at the Victorian Space Science and Education Centre (VSSEC). Around fifty delegates attended as well as speakers from all around Australia. The theme was “Establishing Base Camp: Science, Methods and Technologies to support the Human Exploration of Mars.”

Read a full conference report here.
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Call for Volunteers

Over the summer months, the pace of work on the vehicle - slowed almost to a halt over the last three months - has picked up again. The main thing holding up construction was and still is lack of workers, paid or voluntary. The project manager, Graham Mann, has been trying to find new workers in both categories. Recently three new people have committed to work on the project, and it is hoped they can help move forward on the steel frame construction and engine refurbishment. A second holdup has been a lack of construction drawings which the fabricators can use in the factory. Although detailed plans for the whole machine exist, they are AutoCAD files on computer and have needed realisation as practical construction drawings with notes for the factory workers.

Recently MSA engineer David Willson has been producing such drawings, which have already greatly aided construction on the front cabin assembly (see photo below, right). Meanwhile work on other, less visible parts of...

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Update on ARCHIMEDES Project

The German Mars Society is undertaking a project to design and hopefully deploy a Mars balloon probe called ARCHIMEDES. During the last 4 months, the project team in Munich and elsewhere has been busy with drafting mission requirements, testing schedules and development programs that will concern all major parts of ARCHIMEDES. This work included mainly the adaptation of the three major development programs CLEOPATRA (operations and flight testing), ARCHIMATTER (material research) and ARCHYFLOW (hypersonic flight and low speed descent analysis program) to the new testing opportunities on parablic flights, sounding rockets and ground facilities. It also included a thorough review of the major development and testing strategy.

Read the full media release.

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Mars Polar Base Design Study Now Available

A project to design a human base for the Martian North Pole, Project Boreas, has now been released. Continuing in the long line of visionary BIS projects, Project Boreas summarises the three year deliberations of a group of BIS members and non-members on the design of a station for the Martian Geographic North Pole. The volume describes the base design, science and exploration objectives, communications, history of Mars polar studies, human factors studies, life support and many other factors neccesary for the explorers to spend nearly two Martian years at the Martian pole.

Read more and find out how to order here.
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Starchaser Gears-up for Space Tourism

September 15th: Starchaser Industries, long-time friend and supporter of the Mars Society in the UK and Australia, and key backer of the Society's Mars Analogue Research Station programme have announced a major new initiative to extend their space tourism activities through the development of a new spaceplane that will offer up to 6 passengers a 40-minute sub-orbital flight into space. Operating alongside the company's already-in-development 3-person Thunderstar capsule, the space plane will allow Starchaser to provide a comprehensive range of space tourism flight options, supported by training and medical management. Flights are expected to cost some £98,000 (143,600 Euros).

Read more here.

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MSA Rocket Engine - First Test Firing Successful

MSA is pleased to announce a major achievement by David Willson, MSA member and director, and also manager of the Mars-Oz project, in his hobby of scratch building rocket engines. Along with several work colleagues, David successfully test fired the rocket engine four times at a location 30 minutes drive from Hobart in Tasmania. Some 15 people came to the event and it was filmed as part of a documentary by MSA Western Australian member and film maker, Chris Dickinson. A paper on David's rocket engine will be a feature at AMEC 2006 in October at VSSEC.

Read the full story here and view some more images ( 1,...
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AMEC 2006 Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for the sixth annual Australian Mars Exploration Conference (AMEC 2006), to be held in Melbourne in October of this year at the Victoria Space Science Education Centre (VSSEC). You may register online using our secure registration form, or by downloading and faxing in a registration form (pdf).

Find out more at the AMEC2006 homepage and register now for this exciting event.

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