
Australasian Science Magazine Special Mars Issue

The August issue of Australasian Science magazine has just hit the newsagents and focuses on Mars. You'll find lots of interesting articles to look at, including articles on Australians involved in Mars-related research, the 'White Mars' theory, and details of the proposed Mars Society Australia analogue research facility to be located Down Under -Mars Oz! Many of the people involved in Mars Society Australia research projects are featured in this issue. Check it out now.
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Jarntimarra Scouting Expedition Proposal Released

The document outlining the MSA's first proposed field expedition has been released. The planned expedition will visit and study a range of Mars analogue environments in outback South Australia and the Northern Territory, building up regional knowledge and contacts to facilitate future hardware testing activities.

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WANTED - Engineers With Project Experience

The Mars Society Australia (MSA) is pursuing a bold programme to contribute to the international effort to plan, facilitate and promote human missions to the Red Planet. MSA requires volunteer engineers in Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide with at least one year of professional experience to assist with and manage projects. We are looking for both dynamic young engineers with minimal experience and senior engineers with more substantial experience.

For more information click here.
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AMEC a success!

The Mars Society Australia has just presented the first annual Australian Mars Exploration Conference (AMEC) in Melbourne on the weekend of 12th & 13th May, 2001. Click here for more information about the program held.

Download a media release

Report on the conference from Michael Paine.

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Australia offered role in Mars Research Station Plan

Dr Robert Zubrin has just offered the Australian Mars Society the opportunity to participate in an international program developing the technologies necessary for human exploration and colonisation of Mars. We have been offered one of four prototype Mars habitats as part of the Mars analogue program,to be set up in the Australian desert.

More details can be found in this press release and in the Mars Society's Analogue Stations Program document.

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HOP Update

The ?base? vehicle for HOP has been purchased, allowing the team to commence detailed design and construction work. There will be a series of meetings and workshops in coming weeks to map out both how a pressurised rover would be used on the surface of Mars and how it would be used in an Australian analogue research setting. Project management documentation is also under development.

We are currently looking for people to assist in a range of different technical and generalist roles. Contact Ben Cairns and get involved!
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Operation Red Centre

We plan to identify and conduct Mars surface simulations in Mars analog environments in Australia. This will include scouting expeditions to South Australia and construction, transport, erection and operation of MARS-2, the Mars Australian Research Station.

The technical program for the Mars Society Australia has been released by Technical Coordinator Jason Hoogland. It includes the Marsupial Project, the Australian entry in the Mars Society's international analogue rover design competition.

Download a technical program pamphlet here.
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MSA Aims For First Mars Society Orbital Payload

The Mars Society Australia (MSA) will become a primary user of the Joint Australian Engineering Satellite (JAESAT) which is to be launched in late 2002. If successful, JAESAT could become the first Mars Society orbital payload. SAFMARS will allow Earth-based Mars analogue field workers to send and receive messages to and from the Internet using portable terminals.

Check the technical program page for more details.
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Australian Newsletter

The new Mars Society of Australia' s newletter has just been distributed with a bonus CD. The first issue featured eight pages of reports, news items, book reviews, and colour images and was put together by members of the Western Australian Chapter.

This is intended to be a regular publication. If you would like to contribute any articles or advertise upcoming events, then contact editor David Cooper.
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Australian Team Wins Rover Funding

The Mars Society Australia will receive a grant of US$10,000 (AU$19,000) to begin construction on a prototype vehicle, part of an international effort to put humans on the planet Mars. The prototype, designed by a team based at the University of Queensland, is known as the 'HOP' (Human Operations Prototype), and will allow researchers to undertake weeklong excursions in Australian Mars-like locations.

Download the media kit here in pdf format.
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