21st Australian Space Research Conference


The 21st Australian Space Research Conference (ASRC), to be held in Hobart at the University of Tasmania’s Sandy Bay Campus over September 25 to 27, 2023.

This will be the fifteenth ASRC jointly sponsored and organised by the National Committee for Space and Radio Science (NCSRS) and the National Space Society of Australia (NSSA), with the support of the Mars Society of Australia (MSA).

The ASRC is the primary annual meeting for Australian researchers in space science and technology. It welcomes space scientists, engineers, educators, and space professionals working in universities and research organizations, industry, government and NGOs.

The conference covers all topics pertaining to fundamental and applied research in space science, engineering and technologies, including (but not limited to) the following:

• Space science, e.g., space and atmospheric physics, Earth observation and remote sensing,
planetary science and astrobiology, ground and space-based astronomy and astrophysics.
• Space medicine, humans in space
• Space engineering and space technology, covering communications, navigation, space
operations, propulsion, and spacecraft design, testing, and operation.
• Space industry and space business
• Space archaeology, indigenous sky knowledge (archaeoastronomy)
• Space situational awareness (SSA), space domain awareness (SDA), and space weather
• Space policy, international relations and law
• Current and future Australian space projects
• Workforce development, space education and outreach.

In addition, a special Town Hall session will discuss the national context and future directions for Australian space science.

Confirmed plenary speakers include:

• Dr Ed Kruzins (UNSW Canberra)
• Dr Anna Wang (UNSW)
• Professor Martin van Kranendonk (UNSW)
• Professor Phil Bland (Curtin University)
• Professor Paulo de Souza (Griffith University)
• Professor Roger Kernode (UTS)
• Dr Kimberley Clayfield (CSIRO)
• Dr Emma Bland (DSTG)
• Dr Andrew Klekociuk (AAD)

As in previous conferences, there will be special rates for Mars Society Australia members.

Registration rates start at $80 for a single day with $200 for attendance at all 3 days.

General conference details are at: https://www.nssa.com.au/space-research-conference

The registration portal is now open at: https://www.nssa.com.au/asrc-register-soc

Hope to see you there!!
Wayne Short
21st ASRC Co-Chair
President, National Space Society of Australia