"Two Dragons" Mission Architecture


This presentation details an evolution of the MARS-Oz mission architecture that leverages new developments in commercial space transportation hardware; specifically the SpaceX Dragon capsule and the Bigelow Aerospace BA-330 space station module. This mission architecture uses 2 of each. The major differences from Mars Semi-Direct and MARS-Oz are:

  • The biconic hab, ISRU plant, power plant, rover, MAV (Mars Ascent Vehicle), supplies and other major components are delivered to the surface of Mars, activated and tested, before the human crew leaves Earth.
  • The EMTV (Earth-Mars Transit Vehicle), constructed on orbit from two BA-330 modules, is only used in space and carries the crew to Mars and back.
  • Dragon capsules are used to ferry the crew between the surfaces of Earth and Mars, and the EMTV.
  • Bodybuilding techniques and osteoporosis drugs are used in preference to artificial gravity to ameliorate bone and muscle degradation in micro-gravity.


Date and time: 
Saturday, 15 September 2012, 10:00