Mars 2018 Opposition Observing Project Submission

MSA is seeking images and observing reports from amateur astronomers of the Mar 2018 opposition. Ideally these should be from the 30th June 2018 to 1st September 2018. Please note - don't just send us your best images. The more submissions we receive from you the better our results will be! What we need to gather from you:
Your organisation - optional (ie, school, university, astronomical society etc)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
When did you take this image?
Where did you take this image? (ie, Oyster Bay, NSW, Australia
Telescope (ie, Celestron C8, Sky-Watcher 12 inch Dob, Meade ETX 90 etc)
Where any accessories used? (ie, 2 x Barlow, ADC etc)
How did you take this image? (ie, single frame 30th Sec, 10000 frame avi best 20% selected)
Software used to process the image, Registax, Photoshop, AutoStakkert!3. etc)
Any other comments you'd like to add