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Home ›Speaker and abstract bios for the Australian Space Health Symposium 4th/5th Oct 2020
The full Program Booklet for the inaugural Australian Space Health Symposium is now available! Click here to download
This unique event is presented by the ad astra vita project and Mars Society Australia and brings together presenters and panellists from the world’s leading space sciences companies, organisations and universities.
Registration for this event is free and still open via this link.
The List of Institutions and Affiliations of presenters include -
The ad astra vita project
Aerospace Human Factors Association
Aerospace Medical Association
Centre of Excellence in Astrobiology, Amity University, India
The Australian Space Agency
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston
Brown University
Centre for a Spacefaring Civilization
Department of Art, Chapman University
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research organisation (CSIRO)
CSIRO Manufacturing, High Performance Metal Industries Program
Space Science and Technology Centre, Curtin University
Delft University of Technology
Dipteron UG
Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space, European Commission
Flinders University
College of the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Flinders University
Harvard Medical School
Holistic Bodies
InnovaSpace UK
International Moonbase Alliance
International Space University
International Space University SSP 2014 Team Project
International Space University ISP 2020 Team Project
The Jus Ad Astra Project
Kings College London
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Manchester Metropolitan University
Mars Society Australia
Educator Professional Development Specialist, NASA Langley Research Center
Health and Air Quality Applications, NASA
The Open University
RMIT University
SAGA Space Architects
SmartSat CRC
Space Surgery Association of the Aerospace Medical Association
Swinburne University of Technology
Trip Law, P.A.
TRISH/University of California San Francisco Space Health Innovation Fellowship
Office of the Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA))
United States Air Force
The University of Adelaide
The University of British Colombia
The University of California
The University of Louisville
The University of Luxembourg
The University of Melbourne
Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Melbourne
Department of Medical Education, The University of Melbourne
The University of NSW
Victorian DHHS
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine