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Home ›Australia Joins the Search for Beagle 2
Tuesday, 30 December 2003
As Mars Express makes history as the first European spacecraft to successfully enter Martian orbit, the search continues for the Beagle 2 lander, which entered the Martian atmosphere on the afternoon of Christmas Day Australian time. Australia is heavily involved strategies to establish contact with the craft. NASA's orbiter Mars Odyessy is sending back search results via NASA's Deep Space Network, which includes the Tidbinbilla Radio Telescope outside Canberra. From 4th January, the European Space Agency's radio telescope at New Norcia in Western Australia will be relaying telemetry from Mars Express, as it commences searching for a signal. Meanwhile, Sydney University has been asked to search using its radio telescope (read more here).
Read the latest news on the status of the Beagle 2 at
Read the latest news on the status of the Beagle 2 at