MSA Signs With NASA Spaceward Bound Program

July 26, 2007

Today, Mars Society Australia President, David Cooper signed a Memorandum of Understanding with NASA Spaceward Bound program's Chief Investigator, Dr Chris McKay of Ames Research Centre, California. The purpose of this memorandum is to facilitate the training of Australian and US science teachers in the fundamentals of introducing Space Science and Engineering into schools in both countries, and is supported by NASA's Exploration Systems Mission Directorate at NASA HQ in Washington.

"This will be done by 'hands on' expeditions to laboratories and remote areas of the US and Australia," said Mr Cooper, "where Mars and Moon like topography can simulate the human exploration of these solar system bodies." "Today's school students will be the pioneering astronauts, scientists engineers and managers of NASA's Vision for the Moon, Mars and Beyond and Australian students can have a place in this great adventure through this exciting initiative."

The Mars Society Australia and Spaceward Bound are planning for their first joint expedition to take place in South Australia in mid-2008. This will involve Australian and US scientists, engineers and teachers working in the field together. Other expeditions will grow from this effort.

Australian teachers interested in taking part in this expedition should in the first instance contact the Co-ordinator on 08 9295 6466 or by emailing .

Dr Jennifer Heldmann addressing 7th Australian Mars Exploration Conference, July 2007.